
mars 28, 2010, 5:16 e m
Filed under: Around me

It is Sunday. And gish what I am cold. It is so cold inside. I picked up my stuff from my new work today. Feels kind of off accutally. I want the job but not in the summer haha. Sry guys, I am off today. Tomorrow is Monday, fucking hate Mondays.

mars 27, 2010, 6:58 e m
Filed under: daily rockstar

This my friends, are the hottest man alive. Yes he is. Also he is very talented and for that I envy him, and ofc love him. I met him once after a gig. He do not remember this, for sure.

Hi there.
mars 26, 2010, 11:56 f m
Filed under: My diet

I have started to board my diet. It feels great! Of course I will not starve, I am not an idiot. But either will I walk around with a belly filled to the rim. I will cut off all the white stuff you can say. Like white bread, sugar, pasta and so on. I will stay like this about a month. After a month I will see if I have got any result.

Today for breakfast I had this

-Oatmeal porridge (boild with just water, no milk this time)
-Banana slices in the porridge
-Wine grapes on the side (loads of antioxidant)
-Two cups camomile tea
-And ofc. loads of water.

Later on I will show ”the daily rockstar” do not miss! He is hawt I tell you.

Skinny hot rockstar. Danke schon!
mars 23, 2010, 10:18 e m
Filed under: daily rockstar

Simon Cruz is talented and look amazing……………..
I envy his style. I also want to be the skinny hot rockstar.
At least a women version. That would be something.

Lite si lite så lite där.
mars 23, 2010, 8:20 e m
Filed under: Around me

Telling lies are not right, at least what your told. But I claim that some lies are right. At least if they are keeping you from hurting people, or not that I really care. I am just tired of people pickin on me for something that just involves me. Involves me.

So you lay it out for me to play it out. You tell, I act. I win. Simple as it is, it is true. Amen.

Jenny Humphrey – the start
mars 23, 2010, 7:48 e m
Filed under: My diet

When Jenny H. is entering the stage, everyone is dying for a blond mop and leggs like the skinniest model. And do not forgett the clothes. Am I seeking to be blond or am I just in love? I do not know. At least I can loose a pond or two, or in fact 10.

I am here.
mars 21, 2010, 7:46 e m
Filed under: Around me

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